Newsletter #11

  • Gregory Lepinard

Dear readers,
While our Norwegian friends were on holidays, we have started to report back on what we have noticed in Austb0 skole about the differences between our countries' school systems. Sorne French students will go to Bulgaria ln November and we have asked them to keep an eye open as well to see what differences there are there.


A photo of us working in a Norwegian c/assroom, cooperating with our

Example of our differences:



We also have started to go deeper on the topic of the status of Norway in Europe. We are preparing questions to ask our friends and studying various sources online: articles, wikipedia entries ... to better grasp the possible reasons why Norway isn't part of the EU. We know already that Norway benefits from a lot of European advantages like us, mainly because they are part of the Schengen area. We didn't have to pay extra phone charges when we were there, for example, we didn't need to have a passport either. This was very practical! But, there are many differences as well. We will provide a full report when we have more information. But, till then, we will first present the documents we are studying in video capsules. BUt, this will have to wait for after we corne back from our holidays.


We hope you all have a nice autumn break, Yours,

Miss Labiche.


  • 02 31 69 05 04
  • Route de Vire
    14110 Condé en Normandie
