Travaux sections euro

Sondage sur les bonnes résolutions

Do European teenagers still make new years resolutions ?

Les élèves de seconde euro ont fait un sondage sur les bonnes résolutions auprès de leurs camarades norvégiens. 
Voici l'article relatant les résultats.

January marks the start of a new year, and to start off the year correctly, it is common to make new year’s resolutions. We organized a poll that has been answered by 31 young people, in our class as well as in Norway where our penfriends live. Let’s see what French and Norwegian teenagers think about resolutions and how many of them actually took resolutions.

We asked if they made good resolutions and 90,6% said yes. Out of 32 people, 50 % say  they think they respect their resolutions for 1 year. And, 18.8 % think they respect their good resolutions for 1 month. But 9.4 % think their resolutions last only for 1 day.  62.5 % of the young people who answered the survey think that their resolutions are also beneficial for others .On another question, out of 29 answers,  57,70 % said their resolutions were about sports, and 24.1% respectively took resolutions linked with their social relations or school resolutions. So, sport is the most important resolution for young people. Indeed, when we asked them for details; there were 10 people whose resolutions were to be better at sports. There were also six people who wanted to be better at school and there were four people who wanted to learn new things.

 What about you? Have you made resolutions this year? Did you manage to keep up with them up till now?

Projet Théatre

Les élèves de 1ère Euro ont pu bénéficier d’un parcours théâtral en partenariat avec la Scène 61 avec 3 spectacles, dont La Graàande Finale de la compagnie Volubilis qui a ensuite donné lieu à un atelier d’écriture en anglais et à la mise en scène des textes. Le lundi 9 mai, ils ont pu montrer le fruit de leur travail devant un public d’une trentaine de personnes, chose qu’ils appréhendaient beaucoup. Ils ont raconté plusieurs histoires avec comme fil rouge les phrases “She kept going anyway” et “One day, he said ‘no’” pour aborder les thèmes de la persistance, résistance et/ou résilience humaine. Bravo à eux pour leurs efforts et la qualité de leur travail!!

Les retours  du public sont tous excellents. Voici quelques extraits:

  • “ It was easy to understand “ Célia
  • “They addressed sensitive topics” Amélia
  • “It was dynamic” Rémy
  • “It was interesting” Mathilde
  • “It’s very difficult to play in English in front of many people!” Inès and Milane
  • “It reflects well what is happening to people who can’t say ‘no’ “ Charlotte
  • “They captured our attention” Camille
  • “Everyone was involved! They did not just recite, they were playing!” Carla
  • “They can be proud of their performance!” Mélodie

Les élèves participants quant à eux, ont soit été confortés dans l’idée qu’ils n’aimaient pas le théâtre, ou, au contraire, ont découvert de nouveaux horizons. Quoi qu’il en soit, ils sont tous d’accord pour dire qu’ils ont progressé en élocution en anglais et sont fiers d’avoir relevé le défi. Voici également quelques extraits:

  • “This play reduced my stress” Romane
  • “I learnt that it was important to articulate” Nathanaël
  • “It improved my English” Jeanne
  • “It was cool to see another way to denounce bad things in society” Mathéo
  • “I learnt a lot myself” Axel
  • “I’m pretty proud of my text that was played and appreciated” Zacharie and Tristan
  • “It made me more interested in drama” Alix
  • “I didn't think it was possible for me to perform in front of people” Jules
  • “There were funny moments and everybody was concerned with their scenes” Louis
  • “This experience brought me self-confidence” Siene.
  • “I never thought I would have a role in a play, in English!” Lucas
  • “I’ve learnt vocabulary about drama and I’ve improved my diction” Léo.

"Tiens ta Garde" Reviews

by 1ère Euro Charles Tellier students


Le travail était de trouver un moyen pour informer les usagers du lycée des nouvelles règles mises en place pour voyager au Royaume-Uni depuis la mise en application du Brexit.

Lucas et Marius

Amandine et Tristan